Saturday, November 24, 2007


I have tried many full price and discount vitamins and supplements, but recently I bought a vegetable and fruit juicer and I found that it far outshines even the best discount vitamins and minerals. Each morning I take two apples, two carrots, two celery sticks and a one inch chunk of ginger root and run them through the machine and drink up. No wired feeling like with some discount vitamins and supplements. No bad gas or after taste like with some discount vitamins. No worry of health risks like I sometimes have taking discount vitamins. The juice helps me to get my daily servings of both fruit and vegetable, helps me not to get sick and curbs my apatite. It is packed with natural discount vitamins and minerals. If I rinse the juicer parts right after juicing it is easy and fast. I don't do anything else with my diet and eat what I want for lunch and dinner, but 40 minutes before dinner I repeat this juicing process. I have been losing fat at a healthy rate and have great energy.

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